For the last 24 months, Starion’s model-based system engineering (MBSE) experts have been tailoring the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) ESA SysML Solution to take into account developments in space-related standards and MBSE tools. The project involved implementing an MBSE methodology and broadening the scope of the existing MBSE Solution by improving tool support and alignment with standards.
Anh Toan Bui Long, Starion Concurrent Design and MBSE Expert, reports on the successful conclusion of this project, in partnership with Airbus Defence and Space, Samares Engineering and DEKonsult.
Why is there an ESA SysML Solution?
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is widely recognised as a key technology for digitalising the engineering workflow and fostering MBSE, which aims to replace documents with digital models across engineering domains and throughout the supply chain for the life cycle of a product or service. However, using SysML in the space domain requires specific tailoring.
Currently, it is possible to model with SysML v1 but SysML is like vanilla ice cream: it is nice, but it can be used with almost any flavour, and there is no guidance about how to use it in an MBSE process.
Over time, major stakeholders in the space industry have developed their own profiles to fit their needs. A few years ago, ESA proposed to do the same in order to introduce MBSE in its processes, and to align the methodologies from different stakeholders.
To ensure the ‘vocabulary’ used across stakeholders in the space industry is consistent, a basis had to be specified. The chosen profile is based on the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standards, and on system engineering standard practices. The stereotypes and the relationships therefore conform to ECSS standards and the profile helps users to apply MBSE and ECSS vocabulary in their projects across a project’s life cycle.
What does the ESA SysML Solution target?
The solution proposes a profile in SysML for any product in a space environment: it can apply to any space system or subsystem in the process. It also proposes a methodology to model a product across its life cycle in an MBSE fashion: from requirements to physical layer, including the specification and design domains.
With our activity ending, and with the help of Airbus Defence and Space, Samares Engineering and DEKonsult, we iterated on the profile to enable modelling of the verification of the requirements, thus closing the loop between the requirements specification and the verification domain. We also added the Enterprise Architect profile implementation to the ESA SysML Solution, developing an Enterprise Architect plugin to interact with the requirements in the model.
What does the ESA SysML Solution contain?
Downloading the package gives the following:
- The data model (or meta model) used for the ESA SysML profile
- The implementations of the profile on Cameo Systems Modeler and Enterprise Architect
- An example of a space system in Cameo Systems Modeler and Enterprise Architect
- The documentation on Cameo Systems Modeler and Enterprise Architect.
Additionally, at Starion, we developed an Enterprise Architect plugin able to:
- Import requirements from Excel and ReqIF
- Export requirements to Excel and ReqIF
- Validate a model against the ESA SysML profile
- Make a traceability/impact analysis of the requirements.
While Enterprise Architect may offer the import/export functionality, our plugin provides a preview of the modifications that will be made during the import.

Where can I download the solution?
The whole package can be downloaded at:
It is provided under the European Space Agency Community License – v2.4
Further information
You can read more about this in:
- Paper presented at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2024: “The European Space Agency MBSE methodology”
- Presentation from IAC 2024: The development of the ESA SysML Methodology
- Presentation from MBSE 2024: The ESA SysML Solution – Interfaces and validation management
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