
Whistleblowing Policy

Starion encourages its employees, freelancers, shareholders, suppliers, customers and, more generally, all stakeholders to report, in good faith, any behaviour – acts or omissions – carried out at Starion or in relations with it, that constitutes a breach (or induces a breach) of applicable laws and regulations, or Starion’s values, policies or procedures.

The Starion Group Whistleblowing Policy sets out the procedure for submitting a whistleblowing report relating to breaches, the guidelines for handling reports and the standards of protection for whistleblowers and other people involved in the investigation. Reports may be submitted anonymously.

Read the Starion Group Whistleblowing Policy

How to report a concern about a breach

Code of Conduct

The Starion Code of Conduct presents a set of core values and principles that guides our collective working approach. It is our commitment to operate to the highest standards of integrity: this defines our actions, which are key to our success within a legal framework. Additionally, it serves as a reference point for all policies and guidelines that explore specific issues within our business practices.

Starion’s Code of Conduct establishes the foundation for numerous aspects of our operations, including the development of business strategies and employee recruitment. By embedding this Code into our working practices, Starion ensures that everything we say and do aligns with our company vision, mission and values, thus upholding our integrity, relationships and reputation.

Read the Starion Code of Conduct